The “Power of the Dream”

The “Power of the Dream” reaches every corner of Greece

with Ioannis Melissanidis and the Eugenia Anastasiadou-Smyrnaiou Foundation

  1. Major Sponsor of the initiative is Anastassiadis Group
  2. The program was presented at a special event in Ancient Olympia
  3. The athlete will visit 28 schools in hard-to-reach places within the next 3 months

Ioannis Melissanidis and the Eugenia Anastasiadou-Smyrnaiou Foundation join forces in a unique project  to inspire young people on how to achieve their goals.

On the occasion of this year’s Olympic Games and the completion of 28 years since winning his gold medal in Atlanta, the great Greek Olympic Gold Medalist and the teams of the two organizations will visit schools on remote islands and villages and discuss about the great  “Power of the Dream” that can become a driving force for achieving any goal despite the seemingly adverse conditions.

The speech is inspired by the story of the athlete himself who managed with his perseverance and self-luminous power to win the first gold medal in gymnastics, with 9,850 points, reaching the perfect ten, giving Greece the first victory in gymnastics since 1896.  The Mayor of Ancient Olympia, Aris Panagiotopoulos, the Director of the Olympic Academy, Makis Asimakopoulos and representatives of the media were present at the press conference.

The program was announced at Ancient Olympia, the home of the Olympic Games. It was a special event for media, representatives of institutions and students.

As  stated by Ioannis Melissanidis during the event: “I am very excited that the journey of The Power of The Dream initiative starts here, the home of the Olympic Games. The enthusiasm of the students of this city gives us strength to continue our journey and meet Greek children not only in every corner of the country but also in every part of the Earth where the heart of Hellenism beats. Finally, I would like to thank the Eugenia Anastasiadou Smyrnaiou Public Benefit Foundation and the President, Dr. Ioannis Anastassiadis, for walking together on the journey of this dream.”

While  the CEO of Anastassiadis Group and President of the Foundation, Dr. Ioannis Anastassiadis underlined: “Undoubtedly, if anything makes us optimistic about the future, it is the passing of the baton to the new generation! To a generation that with its power and works gives us hope that this world can change for the better. The principles and values of sports are key components of education and are consistent with the philosophy and vision of both the Foundation and our Group. We are proud to support this great initiative that concerns our children!”



